When the Lord calls He prepares the called. He called and is still calling; Prophets, Priest and Kings - each calling is unique and each is peculiar. The Patriarchs met their "wilderness" experience at their calling and so did the Prophets and the Lord Himself; who said those who take up their cross and follow Him will also go through what He suffered, (John13:16). Seth Baah is not an exception. He too has experienced beyond every reasonable doubt his wilderness' and come out to the glory of God, exonerated Seth Baah, and empowered to continue the work of God. Young Seth's walk with the Most High God started when he was a very young. The capabilities that make up one's Divine Design are their talents and Spiritual gifts given them on their conversion.
Capabilities in general are like an un-mined mineral field. The treasured minerals are waiting to be discovered. In our scenario, we need discernment to be able to access them. They are sovereignly assigned by God and will not change overtime. They do not change in essence before or after conversion. Beginning life in the Lord with the Prayer Praise and Worship Ministry God blessed Seth Baah with His 5-fold gifts, (Ephesians 4:11)
By the time he completed and graduated from the Christian Action Faith Dominion University in Ghana his little Prayer ministry group in Ghana called Word Impact International Ministry had grown into a shelter for many lost souls. In 2004 Praise Chapel International, Ghana was born; with Seth Baah as founder and overseer. God gradually confirmed his ministry with His powerful presence and he became a spiritual shepherd to many.
Pastor Baa received an invitation to the U.K., where he was led to establish Praise Chapel International, UK. Through his music and powerful ministry gifts, he became internationally popular, and in 2010, God laid it on his heart to open a branch of Praise Chapel International in Maryland with plans for another church in Virginia. Reverend Seth Baah is also an award-winning gospel musician, recording artist, composer, arranger and producer. Many lives have been touched saved, healed and delivered under the stewardship of Rev. Seth Baah. By God's Divine order and intervention, the Church continued to grow and the agency of Satan was mad.
Three missiles were thrown to stagger his calling in three different locations and under three mysterious circumstances. The forces of darkness were using the missiles of rumor mongering and creature comfort of women. As soon as God confirmed His calling in the life of young Seth, the agents of evil started to work against his ministry. Rev. Baah lost his seven year old son in a fatal road accident on the Takoradi trunk road, Ghana. It was with tears and many prayers that the Man of God prevailed. That was the first staggering blow. Pastor Baah did not give up. The pain very raw yet the zeal of the Lord ever strong he continued in the Lord till God ordered his steps to Great Britain. The UK branch was born. All this while God was at work on His precious vessel Seth Baah. In the UK, the Lord did His works. Satan was mad again. His very character was smeared in defamation. The flesh area is where the foundation of our Ministry is; whether called into Laity or Christian Ministry as Vocation. God the creator is the personification of Divinity; and He made man after His image and likeness. This makes Divinity engrafted in the nature of man. Man's Divine design is therefore embedded in his ministry identity, (Psalm 68:18; Ephesians 4:11) This second attack was aimed at the music ministry of the man of God through the circulation of his music and the sales. The staggering blow of financial loses did not sway the man of God for he knew one thing thus, God, in full control will process a person till that person meets His Divine standards. Here God allowed the enemy who, knowing that 'Character' is embedded in the flesh which is the sinful nature of man, (Galatians 5:16-21) touched Apostle 'below the belt. But again God proved gracious.
He blessed this humble man of God beyond measure in all his dealings. For ten years the UK branch flourished and many came to know the Lord through his evangelism and music. Then Apostle who had been blessed with international evangelism found himself in the USA. The initial perfect ministry he built started sinking. The enemy was now very ready to give it a fatal blow. However, the Lord is faithful who said: I will build my Church and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it"; is still on His Throne, (Matthew 16:18). The battle has ended. The enemy is vanquished and the Church of Christ has prevailed to the praise and glory of His Holy Name. Our God reigns, no one can curse the one the Lord has blessed.